We’ve all heard of it, and some of us experience it with our children: Separation Anxiety at School. While a little bit of crying and clinginess is a normal part of childhood development, sometimes you have to do a little more to help your child. Helping your child learn to cope with separation from you is a natural part of childhood development. We wanted to tell you a little about some mechanisms you can use for their separation anxiety.
What Separation Anxiety Looks like
- Crying
- Clinginess
- Hiding behind or clinging to a parent
- Shyness or mistrust of the teacher
- Psychosomatic Symptoms (headaches, stomach aches, vomiting)
If you’re struggling with your child’s separation anxiety, there are a few things you can do to help. The biggest thing is being consistent with your child and following through on promises, so they’ll know when you say you’re coming back, that you’ll come back.
Other Things You Can Do To Help:
Practice Separation, leaving your child for short periods of time with a loved one or caretaker can help them ease into longer periods of separation. The more you practice the better it will get. Develop a “no-nonsense” quick goodbye ritual, kids like rituals and consistency developing this will help children with the separation. For a younger child, try not to give in, separating from parents is a natural part of early childhood reassuring your child will help.
Warning Signs For A Larger Issue
If you’ve tried to help your child cope with their separation anxiety but nothing seems to be working, there might be a sign of a deeper issue. If your child experiences these symptoms longer than a few weeks, this may be a sign of a deeper anxiety issue and should be consulted with your doctor or pediatrician.
Now is the time to start the process of getting your child ready for separation. Practicing and being consistent will help you and your child be ready. We hope that these tips help you and your little one with the transition to schooling. If you need a place to help foster and encourage growth in your child, choose Paradigm Child Care and Enrichment Center