Activities for infants in daycare can help with their development. It’s pretty common knowledge that early childhood development is important. Do you know what types of activities your infant or toddler is participating in to assist with their development? There are many preschool level activities for infants in daycare, or for toddlers. At such a young age, it is important to focus on helping infants or toddlers improve in five areas of development:
- Physical – Physical development includes physical health, well-being, and basic movement skills. Activities for infants in daycare which focus on physical development are designed to help with; large and small muscle control, fitness, and coordination.
- Social-Emotional Development – Social-Emotional Development focus on teaching your child how to create and maintain relationships with others, as well as managing feelings or emotions.
- Learning – Every child has a different approach to learning. Some children are hands-on learners, while others can just listen or read to grasp what is being taught. It doesn’t really matter how your infant takes on new tasks or information, there are activities for infants in daycare with any learning style.
- Thinking – Life is full of problems and choices, this is why development in this area is so important. Thinking activities will give infants the opportunity to solve minor problems and make simple decisions.
- Communication – Infant activities that focus on communication skills will help your toddler or infant learn how to communicate with others. This includes answering or asking questions, reacting and responding to situations, as well as writing skills. There are many communication development activities for infants in daycare.
Daycare Activities Help with Child Development
In their first 12 months, infants are learning these five areas of development. These concepts are being taught through daily interactions will adults. As a result, an infant’s care is important. This is the reason why people need to find a daycare that has activities that will help development. For instance, a daycare that does responsive care will help an infant develop social-emotional and communication skills. This is because responsive care focuses on understanding a baby’s preferences and schedule. As the baby begins to explore, a caregivers interaction will help them understand their emotions and how to communicate.
As a result, an infant learns developmental skill just by the type of care they receive. In addition to interactions, the type of activities that infants do can enhance their development. Although activities might not seem important, they provide amazing teaching potential for a young child. For example, Tummy Time. For many, Tummy Time is just a simple activity that involves babies laying on their stomach. However, this simple activity is actually fundamental for an infant’s physical development. During Tummy Time, a infant is develop their neck and upper-body muscles. This helps them control their head and prevent their heads from going flat.
Tummy Time is a fundamental activity for infant rooms. That is because daycare activities are meant to enhance their student’s development. These daily interactions and games are the reason why a professional daycare program can be beneficial for your child.
Educational Activities For Infants in Daycare
There are many educational activities for infants in daycare to help improve fine motor skills and mental development. Depending on the age of your child, daily lesson plans or activities for infants may vary as they are based on age appropriation.
Many parents are looking for ways to focus on developmental skills at home and outside of daycare. There are may activities that parents can do with their infant or toddler at home for continuous improvement in the five key areas of development. There are also great infant daycare programs in Canton where you can enroll your child.
Check out our Pinterest page for some more great parent/infant educational activities.