“Mommyyy, look! Look at me,” as your three-year-old preschooler grabs ahold of the milk carton on the kitchen counter. As she attempts to pour the milk into her cup, it spills all over the floor, counter, in her hair–everywhere. And what does she do? Giggles, while saying; “oopsie.”
Sound familiar?
Have you ever wondered what goes on inside of a tiny three-year-old person’s head? Like, how much information does a three-year-old preschooler know and what motivates them to do the things that they do? Three year old’s love showing off the new skills that they’ve learned. Whether if it’s from watching others and repeating what they’ve seen or just something that they’ve discovered on their own. Three-year-olds truly enjoy exploring what’s out there in the world.
Parents of Three Year Old’s
As parents of three year old’s, you all may already know that age 3 is the year where your child becomes more independent on self and less dependent on others. They begin to develop social and emotional skills (such as taking turns in games and distinguishing family members from one another fairly well), learning and language skills (such as understanding most sentences and recognizing common objects), gross motor skills (such as walking up and down stairs and riding a tricycle), and fine motor skills (such as drawing lines and shapes with a pencil and turning pages of a book, one at a time). Not only are they old enough to start learning how to obtain those concepts, but they are now old enough to go out and perform those special skills in a daycare center for three-year-olds.
3 Year Old Preschool Programs Near Me
If your toddler is currently 3 years old and has not enrolled in preschool yet, now is the time! Paradigm is a daycare center that caters to parents of three-year-olds including the Milford & Commerce Township area. Come on over and visit our childcare/preschool near commerce twp. today. We are excited to meet you!