At around 12 months old, our Infants join our Toddler Program. This is such an exciting time for them! We match this excitement with lots of space and opportunities to run, climb, and tumble. Teachers build a daily routine using a predictable schedule. Daily activities include group time, story times, meals and snacks, rest time, outside play time, indoor large motor time, and lots of free play time.
Toddler Daycare Program
Our Toddler Teachers create a classroom atmosphere that gives our 1 to 2 year-olds lots of time to explore age-appropriate toys, experiences, and books at eye level. This allows them to explore independently and at their own pace with or alongside their peers. They can develop and practice social-emotional skills while exploring by sharing and taking turns with toys. They practice empathy, expressions of caring for and loving others, as well as understanding simple cause and effect. Through their exploration and interactions with friends and teachers, they are also learning colors, shapes, sizes, and textures and building their vocabularies.
When children join our Toddler Program, we ask parents to send family photos to school. We hang these in the classroom at the children’s eye level. We love to celebrate our families!
Giving our children the opportunity to share their families with their peers and Teachers makes them so proud and gives them a sense of community!
Learning to be part of a Classroom Family
Our curriculum at Paradigm Care & Enrichment Center is supported by the Michigan framework of elementary education. As toddlers grow older, they will learn how to be an important part of a classroom family by building on social-emotional skills that they’ve learned.
Likewise, they will be developing new skills as they learn about being members of the classroom. They will be working on sharing and taking turns and will be practicing how to be good friends using their social-emotional skills. They will also be learning to respect and care for their learning environment.
Potty Training
Paradigm believes potty training happens when each child is developmentally ready. When they begin to show signs of readiness, (usually around age 2) Paradigm teachers will work with you and your child on this exciting journey! Finally, call our Canton location at 734.354.9600 or our Waterford location at 248.363.9800 today for more information about our toddler program.