When searching for childcare centers in Michigan for your toddler, finding a facility that also a learning center for your child is key. From location, pricing, cleanliness, to the staff of the facility, parents need to look at all aspects of local daycare centers before choosing. Paradigm Child Care, with locations in Canton and Waterford Michigan, provides a superior learning environment. You will feel at ease while you are away from your infant, toddler, or young child.
Our facilities focus on toddler’s education, ensuring that they receive the care and attention that they need for successful development. With a dedication to learning, unlike many other Michigan daycare centers, we ensure that your child is being educated on a daily basis. Playtime is incorporated and is important as well to the social development of your child. We strive on providing fun learning activities for your toddler, many of which are having so much fun they don’t even know they are learning!
Childcare near you
If location is your main concern our facilities are easily accessible and near the main thoroughfares. Both of our facilities provide affordable child care for families in metro Detroit. If you are on state assistance, we also accept FIA assistance. We believe that every child should begin a superior education at a young age.
For more information on enrolling your child in one of our programs, please contact us. We will guide you through every step of the way. Also, be sure to ask about a tour of our facilities so you can see first hand what we have to offer you and your child. Find information on how to enroll your child for daycare at Paradigm online through our website.