When searching for daycare for infants in Commerce Township, Michigan, Paradigm Childcare and Enrichment is here for you! Daycare for infants or babies can cost a lot for parents. Paradigm allows parents with infants to find affordable infant care without having to sacrifice the quality of care.
Commerce Township Affordable Infant Daycare
If the cost of infant daycare in Commerce Township, Michigan is too much for you, or you are on a single income, Paradigm Child Care and Enrichment works with The FIA. We understand that sometimes the cost of daycare for babies or infants can be too much for parents, especially if you are a single parent. Our goal is to provide parents in Commerce Township, Michigan with affordable infant daycare they can trust. Don’t let the cost of daycare for your infant stop you from getting high-quality infant daycare in Michigan.
Part of our goal at Paradigm is to ensure that you are comfortable with your childcare provider. We understand that being away from your infant or newborn all day can be a challenge. The last thing that we would want you to do is to worry while you are away. To keep you in the loop when it comes to your infant’s daycare, not only do we encourage you to drop in. Parents can spend time with your little one if time permits, but we also provide you with a daily written report. You will be aware of your baby’s sleeping pattern, feeding pattern, as well as their diaper changes throughout the day.
Grow With Paradigm
Another great benefit of starting your infant in our affordable daycare program is that they are able to grow with Paradigm Child Care and Enrichment. Not many daycare centers in Commerce Township, MI offer programs extending past infancy. Programs are available for newborns, infants, toddlers, or preschoolers. There are many benefits to keeping your child in the same atmosphere throughout the very early years. Relationships between staff and baby can be made. This allows for a comfortable and nurturing environment.