Playground Safety

Now that the weather is getting warmer, your kids may be asking you to take them to the park. Taking your child to the playground, whether a local park or a nearby schoolyard provides them with the opportunity to exercise. As a parent, ensuring that your child is safe is extremely important prior to let them run around and play.

Unfortunately, playground injuries are very common amongst young children. Most playground incidents can be avoided by taking certain precautions and proper parental supervision.

Playground Safety Supervision

Supervise your children. By being present while your child is actively playing on playground Playground Safetyequipment, you can ensure that your child is properly using the equipment provided in a safe manner. If for some reason something does happen to your child, you will be present to attend to their needs immediately. Also, able to administer first aid if necessary.

Parental supervision is suggested for both young and older children. Younger children often times have a more difficult time judging distance. Also, they think that they can overcome obstacles that they may fall short of. For example. Let’s say that your child wants to jump from one part to another, but falls short and bumps their head. By being present your child will have the immediate attention that they need.

Older children often like to misuse equipment, as a parent or guardian, you will be able to correct improper behavior. Also, before someone whether the older child or a nearby younger child gets hurt as a result of their activity. For example. Let’s say a 12-year-old child begins to climb the poles of the swing set to sit on the bar. This is definitely not a safe decision and by supervising your child you can stop the action in its tracks before a potentially dangerous fall occurs. Always supervise your children of any age on a playground.

Playground Inspection

Inspect the playground. Making sure the playground is a safe area for your child is also extremely important. Look at the ground underneath the play structures or swings. It should absolutely NOT be concrete or hard stone. Safe playscapes will have rubber, grass, wood chips, or pea gravel as padding in case your child falls, which they will at some point in time.

CPlayground Safetyheck the play structure for sharp points or foreign objects such as glass, or twisted metal that is sticking out. If the play structure is made of wood, there should be no cracking or splintering. If you notice that your local park deems unsafe, contacting the school or city officials is highly suggested to ensure that it is repaired before a child gets injured.

Of course, there is no way to completely prevent a child from being injured. They will run and fall, get cuts and scrapes, or bumps and bruises. All children no matter how many eyes are on them or how safe a structure is, will at some point get hurt. But, certain things can be prevented and as a parent or guardian, it is your job to ensure that your child is safe.

If something that you have seen on a playground raises a red flag, feel free to ask us or another parent if it is something to be concerned about. It is our job to work together to ensure that our children are as safe as can be!