There are differences between daycare and pre-kindergarten programs. Normally at daycare centers, the age range is from infants to toddlers. Preschoolers are typically 3 years old and 4 years old. Parents who work later hours tend to find daycare services more beneficial because they provide full-time care. Whereas pre-k children typically stay for a shorter time period and do not come in during the holidays, due to being closed. At the Paradigm Child Enrichment and Day Care Center in Canton, we offer great programs for both daycare and preschool children.
Infant Care
Our teachers at Paradigm encourage your babies to learn by using their sensory skills. The teachers sing songs, read stories aloud, and play games (such as peek-a-boo) with your children to help build a bond between them. Your children sleep in a different area than where they eat and play so that they can rest peacefully. Also, the parents receive a written report on how their children were for the day.
Young and Old Bridgers
Our mobile toddlers branch off into two categories: young bridgers and old bridgers. For our young bridgers, children build vocabulary, learn about respect, and recognize shapes and colors. They are also taught how to use the restroom. Our old bridgers are moved into a bigger classroom with an 8:1 class ratio where they can then learn how to build long-lasting friendships.
Best Preschool Programs and Day Care
At Paradigm, our three-year-old preschoolers master how to write their own names, learn the difference between upper and lowercase letters and cut with scissors. Not only are they able to learn in that area, but they grow when learning about the world and different cultures.
Our four-year-old preschoolers learn how vital it is to read and write every day as well as to know the hard and soft sounds of a word. We also teach your children about healthy living, exercise, the food pyramid, and good eating habits. All within a classroom environment. In addition, we have an extensive 3-4-year-old preschool program that your children can learn and grow.
As you can see, all of the subjects your child is taught are designed to help prepare them for kindergarten. Paradigm Child Enrichment and Day Care Center with professional Pre K in Canton MI is open on Monday-Friday from 6:30 a.m.-6: 00 p.m. Please contact us if you have any questions or to request more information on our daycare or pre-kindergarten schools.