Midsummer Events to Enjoy with Your Kids!

Summer events to enjoy with kids

Summer is in full swing but before you know it, Labor Day will be closing in and we all know what that means. Fortunately, there are still plenty of midsummer events to enjoy with your kids! For three months out of the year, children are out of school. This leaves plenty of opportunities for family time. Many communities put on special events for the summer season. Furthermore, there are also other activities that you can do at home with your family. At Paradigm, we want all of our children and their families to get the most out of family time! So, we thought we’d list a few midsummer events that would be perfect to enjoy!

Midsummer Events for Kids

Tuesdays are Terrific (Canton, MI) 

From July 11th – August 8th, you can rock out at Heritage Park every Tuesday! Enjoy the afternoon of kid-friendly music and food with your friends and neighbors. Chill around the amphitheater lawn by bringing out fold-out chairs and blankets and enjoy the summer sun!

Summer Family Flicks (Waterford, MI) 

Enjoy a free family movie at GQT Movies! For the rest of the summer, families can go and enjoy a free movie at 10 am every Wednesday and Thursday. They have an incredible line-up of movies to watch with your children!

Friends Used Book Sale (Waterford, MI)

There is nothing like a good book to share and read with your kids! The Waterford Township Public Library is hosting a used book sale on August 5th and 6th. Restock your children’s bookshelves with some gently used books.

Family Activities at Home

Although there are plenty of midsummer events for kids around Canton and Waterford, spending time at home and in the neighborhood can be fun too! Take your children to the local pool with some family and friends! Nothing is more refreshing than taking a swim in the water. Even if you have a pool, a trip to the lake is always a special treat! White Lake, Commerce, and Waterford have so many lakes, many with public access.

Backyard Benefits

There are plenty of water-related activities to enjoy, including running sprinklers and slip-in-slides in the backyard. Also, a campout in the backyards can be a fun experience for your children, especially if they have never been camping before. We may be telling you everything you already know, however, sometimes with our busy lives we forget, right? Enjoy your summer!